In Honor of International Women’s Day

In Honor of International Women’s Day

The Women of Factory Aplat

Today on International Women’s Day, I want to honor the talented women of my factories who inspire me and the work of Aplat. They are more than just cutters and sewers—they are my family and are a vital part of my commitment to design and manufacture with zero waste.


From day one, I set out a goal for Aplat: to be a company that cared about people and the planet. I wanted to work within my community, to source materials locally, and produce goods responsibly. I knew that in the textile goods industry, about 30% of fabric was sent to landfill as waste. My goal was and remains 0%.


The first step was to stay local, working with two SF-based factories within close proximity to the Aplat studio. Because I can more easily be at my factories, I am on-site weekly – prototyping and refining product designs alongside these incredible women who have been working together for 35 years and are experts at what they do. Together we ensure that fabric is precisely measured and cut so that every inch is used.


It’s physically demanding to cut and sew. I know, as I sew the first 100 pieces of every new Aplat product. And each week I’m in the factory, I witness my team’s focus on maintaining the quality and precision of Aplat at the highest standards. To each of these women: I thank you for your dedication and commitment. You continuously amaze me. There would be no Aplat without you.