It’s All in the Fold

I’m really excited to connect with you in this space. I feel like I have so many stories to tell: about Aplat, l’art de vivre, our philosophy about meaningful connection, and our dreams for thoughtfully growing this company.
When I first envisioned Aplat, I was holding a bouquet of flowers for a friend. My instinct to carry those beautiful blooms in the folds of a simple sheet of fabric was the spark that became the collection.
Photo by Elizabeth West
The thought that a moment could inspire a creative solution for better giving gave me the courage to hold on to my long-term convictions: using only 100% organic cotton, manufacturing locally and with empathy, and combining design and technical skills to produce a better product from farm to factory to table.
In assembling the Aplat line, I’m expressing the principles I value so deeply. I’ve always held reverence for the art of origami and its simply beautiful use of folds to create dimension from a flat (à plat in French) sheet of paper. I apply this approach by using origami folds in ways that produce many designs from a pure square or rectangular sheet of fabric. I take joy in making a product that is zero-waste and free of hardware – no buttons, zippers, hooks or clasps – and is manufactured right across the street from our design studio in SF. And I’m having fun exploring new folds as I think of creative ways to grow Aplat.
Each piece is an offering of pure organic cotton, a pleasure to share, to carry and to hold, and is a true construct of art, design and sustainability.
L’art de vivre, the art of living, transcends our own immediate circles. If we live in a spirit of generosity, we can make a meaningful contribution beyond our well-tended communities – because a simple gesture can mean the world.
A closer look at l’art de vivre is next. Follow along as more stories unfold here in my Notebook.
Many thanks,